Project Catalogue
Review of pesticides influence on plants grown under glass house conditions, Melbourne Water, 2012
Risk assessment to plants grown with recycled water containing increased salinity for a short-term, Barwon Water, 2012
Environmental risk assessment for Melton South/Toolern area, Western Water, 2011
Risk Assessment for using stormwater at Melbourne Olympic Park and AAMI Stadium, IVWater, 2015
Audit of the Parafield Stormwater Harvesting and Managed Aquifer Recharge System for Non-Potable Use against the Stormwater Risk-Based Management Plan. Adelaide, South Australia.: Goyder Institute for Water Research Occasional Paper 14/1, 2014.
Expert review on risk assessment workshop for stormwater reuse, City West Water, 2012
Update of the Victoria Guideline for water recycling. EPA Victoria, 2020.
Update of the Human Health-based Risk Assessment for Recycled Water Use at the ETP. A Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA). Melbourne Water, 2014
Representing Australia at the World Water Forum for Recycled Water Use, International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage, 2012
Estimation of fertiliser requirements for various areas irrigated with recycled water, Yarra Valley Water, 2012
Risks associated with changes in salinity and sodicity of recycled water used for irrigation (post desalinated water), Melbourne Water, 2011
Co-Digestion Quality Targets for Co-Digestion Trade Wastes at the Western Treatment Plant. Part of the Quantitative Risk Assessment 2017 (QRA2017) for recycled water and biosolids. Melbourne Water, 2018.
Quantitative risk assessment for beneficial use of biosolids from Western Treatment Plant by application to land, Melbourne Water, 2012
·Validation of a fugacity model for organic substances in biosolids from the ETP and WTP Melbourne, Melbourne Water, 2010-2011
Trade-waste monitoring system. Development of Sewage Quality Targets (SQT) and Trade-waste Risk Evaluation Tool (TRET). Coliban Water 2018.
Development of Sewage Quality Targets and Risk Trigger Values for ISQMS End Points (Seawater, recycled water, biosolids), Melbourne Water, 2013-15
Risk assessment for specific pesticides discharged into the sewer by trade waste customers, Melbourne Water, 2011