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Boneo Water Recycling Plant upgrade to benefit the Peninsula

Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula will benefit from a $130m investment in new, energy-efficient water treatment and recycling infrastructure, which will support population growth, protect the local environment and maximise recycled water production for local businesses.

South East Water has appointed the John Holland SUEZ Beca (JHSB) joint venture to undertake a major upgrade of its Boneo Water Recycling Plant (WRP), delivering a range of innovative treatment technologies designed to reduce energy consumption in the water recycling process. The upgrade will be delivered through a design, build, operate and maintain contract, with JHSB operating the plant for 10 years to enable knowledge sharing and collaboration.

The upgrade will include the capture of biogas generated during the treatment process to power the plant’s operations, and implementation of the nitrite-shunt nutrient removal process, an emerging technology which significantly reduces the electricity required to treat the wastewater.

Both technologies will assist in reducing South East Water’s reliance on grid electricity in the treatment process, taking the utility one step closer to achieving its emissions reductions target of 45 per cent by 2025...Read more>>>

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