Guideline projects that Dr Stevens has been involved with include:
Australian Guidelines
Working Group member of the Review of Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (RANZGFMWQ) group (2010 to 2011)
Health and environmental risk consultants reporting to Working Group (NRMMC and EPHC 2008)
Managed Aquifer Recharge Guidelines Writing Team (NRMMC and EPHC 2009)
Project Coordination and Scientific Services for the Environmental Risk Component of the National Guidelines on Water Recycling (NRMMC and EPHC 2006)
Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality. Volume 3, Chapter 9. Primary Industries (ANZECC and ARMCANZ 2000)
Australian Standards
Drafting and technical consultant for the Urban greywater design and installation handbook (SA and NWC 2008)
Drafting and technical consultant for the Rainwater Tank Design and installation Handbook (SA 2008)
International guidelines
World Health Organisation Task Group on Environmental Health Criteria for Fluorides (WHO 2002)