Our clients
Examples of the types of companies that Atura has complete research, consultancies and training for are:
ICE WaRM - the International Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Management
New South Innovations - the knowledge exchange and commercialisation company of the University of New South Wales
North West Dialysis Service & Melbourne Health
IWA - The Institute for Water Administration, Victoria
IWES - the leading provider of short courses for environmental professionals in Australia
Water Services Association of Australia
Arup Pty Ltd for Melbourne Cricket Club
Melbourne Water, Sydney Water, Water Corporation WA, ActewAGL
South East Water, City West Water, Yarra Valley Water
Southern Rural Water, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water, Western Water, Barwon Water
Horticulture Australia Limited
Netafim Australia
National Environmental Protection Council
National Department of Environment and Heritage
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Victoria University
Master Plumbers Mechanical Services Association of Australia